715-537-3881 | HOURS: Mon.-Th. 9a-7p | Fri: 9a-5p | Sat: 9a-12p | Sun. Closed barronpl@barronpl.org


Exciting news! Now you can take the library with you wherever you go. With the new MORE Libraries app you can access the MORE online catalog wherever you use your phone. Over 1.4 million items from over 50 MORE libraries are at your fingertips–anytime, anywhere.

The app gives you all the power of the desktop online catalog to do things like:

Search the collection,
Reserve items and choose where to pick them up
Manage your account
Save titles for later
Renew checked out items
Place and manage holds

Browse recommendations and new titles There are some special features that only appear on the app. You’ll find a list of MORE libraries and their open hours that you can sort to find the locations closest to you. You can even use the app to search for the libraries that offer the services and programs that you want. When you come visit us at the library you can use your library card stored in the app to check out. You can find the app by searching on “MORE Libraries” on the Apple App Store and Google Play.