The WORLD WIDE WEB has so much to offer for everyone in your family! You can listen to a story read from an astronaut from OUTER SPACE or have a FAMOUS CELEBRITY read you one of their favorite books. OR if you are an avid reader you can join a COMMUNITY of others who enjoy reading and talking about the same books you like! Below are some websites that your whole family can explore!
Story Time From Space
Listen To a story read by an dastronaut living on the Internation Space Station!
Storyline Online
A large variety of children’s picture books read aloud by numerous celebrities. (close captioned)
Union Square Play
While the little one’s are stuck at home Union Square Play gives free access to their entire on-demand library with over 150 videos, talks, and activities for you and your little ones.
Picture Book Friday
Picture Book Fridays with children’s book author Carmen Agra Deedy is happening every Friday all summer long! Facebook at Noon!