715-537-3881 | HOURS: Mon.-Th. 9a-7p | Fri: 9a-5p | Sat: 9a-12p | Sun. Closed barronpl@barronpl.org

Welcome to the Spring 2022 Barron Public Library update!

There are a lot of cool things happening at the library this month that you won’t want to miss.

Celebrate Spring with the Bloom and Grow Reading Challenge! This challenge runs April 4, 2022 – June 3, 2022 and will help you cultivate a deeper connection to nature, community, and yourself. Log your reading and participate in fun activities and crafts throughout the challenge such as nurturing flower seeds to plant in the community garden, completing an activity sponsored by Blue Dot Publishing (who will plant a tee for EVERY person who participates), and sharing the joy of poetry. You can register online at barronpl.beanstack.org or by downloading the Beanstack app
Be sure to pick up a passport at Barron Public Library to participate in Explore MORE! Stop by any participating MORE library until July 15th to get your passport stamped for a chance to win awesome prizes. For more information call the library or check out this site: https://iflsweb.org/exploremore2022/