715-537-3881 | HOURS: Mon.-Th. 9a-7p | Fri: 9a-5p | Sat: 9a-12p | Sun. Closed barronpl@barronpl.org

Welcome to the March 2022 Barron Public Library update! There are a lot of fun things happening at the library this month that you won’t want to miss!

For the month of March, the library is paying special attention to all the ways children’s literature influences our lives. Be sure to stop by Barron Public Library to see our shimmering display full of great books. You can help us celebrate with a scavenger hunt full of our favorite characters from children’s literature…find them all for a special treat

Celebrate Women’s History Month by reading stories of inspirational creators, brave leaders, and bold changemakers with the Women Ch

angemakers Reading Challenge! Choose the challenge that fits your age bracket and have fun. Don’t forget to stop by Barron Public Library to pick up a book from the reading list! You can register online at barronpl.beanstack.org or by downloading the Beanstack app.