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January Book Club Discussion: Ink and Bones

Thank you to everyone who attended Barron Public Library’s Book Club Discussion! The book featured for the January 2022 Book Club is Ink and Bones by Rachel Caine. The conversation focused a lot on the similarities and differences between the fictional world that restricts reader’s access to physical books and the modern world with its own system for banning access to literature. According to the American Library Association 43% of book challenges and bans occur at public libraries and 50% of all challenges are

initiated by parents. Considering these statistics, readers expressed interest in doing further research on the process for banning books and figuring out what they can do to influence change so everyone has unrestricted access to all books. Participants remarked the Codex system in Ink and Bones had characteristics that reminded them of electronic reading devices and discussed the potential repercussions for transitioning to a strictly digital platform. The story continues in Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine. Be sure to check out the next Book Club selection and join us for a discussion!

For more information on banned books check out the resources available from the ALA. https://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks