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Virtual Field Trips

With traveling being hard to do during these times, here are some websites that you may like to try! Anywhere from researching polar bears, to having panoramic views of cities, to exploring the immigration process at Ellis Island.  Where is you going for your next field trip?



Established in 1964, the library’s mission is to collect, preserve and provide science-based resources in support of the UW Aquatic Sciences Center and the two programs it administers, the Water Resources Institute and the Sea Grant Institute.


Explore Wisconsin’s Great Lakes shipwrecks through underwater video, historic photographs, and archaeological discoveries!

The Legend of the Lost Emerald

Dive in! Step into the shoes of Jules, a maritime archaeologist to recover the stories behind shipwrecks inspired by real Great Lakes History!

NEW Virtual Field trip Reference!

These are fun and wonderful websites that will show you different parts of the world, famous landmarks, beautiful works of art, historic marvels, science adventures and so much more!

“It has some wonderful trips and they [Sam & Jacob] thought you’d want to add it to your virtual field trip page, so that other families can use it!” Recommended by Sam & Jacob


Discovery Education

Take a field trip with Polar Bear researchers, blast off into space at the Johnson Space Center, go behind the scenes with the NFL and many more discoveries at Discovery Education. Includes teaching guides & Curriculum for interested parents and adults.


Go to Oklahoma and take a virtual hike. With 360 degree views and multiple videos of nature trails in OK, you can learn more about nature in the panhandle state.

360 Cities

360 Cities is a large collection of panormaic interactive photographs that allow you to virtually travel around the world. 

Nature Works Everywhere

Take a field trip into nature. Nature Works Everywhere has 11 virtual field trips for multiple age ranges, alongside videos and lesson plans for parents and teachers. 

ASU Virtual Field Trips

Arizona State University offers up virtual field trips for high school and college students, covering everything from the Mars rover, to prehistoric times to the rain forests.

Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon is the most popular historic estate in America Come and visit George Washington’s home virtually.

Stellarium Web

Explore the sky for the planets and constellations!  At night or during the day Stellarium maps out the stars for you so you just have to sit back relax and explore.

Tour Ellis Island

Explore Ellis Island and learn more about how the process was for immigrants to come into the United States through New York.