715-537-3881 | HOURS: Mon.-Th. 9a-7p | Fri: 9a-5p | Sat: 9a-12p | Sun. Closed barronpl@barronpl.org

Local History

University of Wisconsin Digital Collections

Local history collections of 14 West-Central and Northwestern Wisconsin public libraries. Contains texts (including community records, local history narratives and retrospectives, high school yearbooks, and maps) and images of community sites, events, and residents.

MORE Research Page

Find magazine and journal articles, homework help, or skill-building here. 

Ancestry Library Edition

Search billions of records and discover your family’s story. 

Use this resource in the library with the public computers or your laptop, tablet or smart device.

Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers

Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers

Wisconsin Newspapers Digital Research Site is a service of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association that provides access to 235 daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers both historical and current.

Heritage Quest Online

Access genealogical research: all U.S. Federal Census records, family and local histories, and access to PERSI PERiodical Source Index.


Historical newspapers archive from the 1700s-2000s containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers in the United States and other countries.